2023 Spring CoAD_finals week_334 Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure 

National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB)

In the United States, most registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequi site for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), wh ich is the sole agency authorized to accredit professional degree programs in ar chitecture offered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program 可能被判8年监禁,8年 r term with conditions, or a two-year term of continuing accreditation, or a thr ee-year term of initial accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformanc e with established education standards. Doctor of Architecture and Master of Ar chitecture degree programs may require a 非认证的建筑学本科学位入学. However, the non-accredited degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.

NAAB Website: http://www.naab.org/home

Lawrence Technological University, College of Architecture and Design, 建筑系提供以下naab认可的学位课程:


Track I Direct Entry:  169学时直接入学的新生或从社区学院转来的低年级学生, articulation partners, and so forth.

Track II : 47学时的研究生课程,适用于其他机构的专业预科学生.

Track III : 89学时的课程,适用于非建筑专业的学士学位学生.

Track IV: 在非建筑环境设计领域(室内设计)获得学士学位的学生可获得79学时的课程, landscape architecture, etc.).

Next accreditation visit for all programs: 2023

2020 NAAB Conditions for Accreditation

2020 NAAB Procedures for Accreditation

Annual Reports

2023 Architectural Program Report Final Version

2023 APR Appendix

2023 APR Addendum


2023 APR Student Diversity Goals and Admissions

2022 Statistical Report

2021 Statistical Report

2020 Statistical Report

2019 Statistical Report

2019 Five Year Report

2018 Statistical Report

2017 Statistical Report

2016 Statistical Report

2015 Statistical Report

2013 Architectural Program Report

NAAB responses to the Annual Report

2023 NAAB Decision Letter

2023 NAAB Visiting Team Report

2014 NAAB Decision Letter

2014 NAAB Visiting Team Report

2014 VTR CoAD Response Letter

NCARB Pass Rates

CIDA Accreditation

室内设计课程获得室内设计学士学位,由室内设计认证委员会认证,  www.accredit-id.org , 206 Cesar E. 查维斯大道西南,350套房,大急流城,密歇根州,49503.

cida认证的课程为学生准备入门级室内设计实践, for advanced study, 并申请专业室内设计组织的会员资格. 利记sbo授予的室内设计学士学位符合参加全国室内设计资格考试(NCIDQ考试)的教育要求。. 有关NCIDQ考试资格的更多信息,请访问:  www.cidq.org/paths


Student Attrition and Retention
68.在2023年秋季入学的学生中,有4%的人在2024年秋季返回,这意味着流失率为31.5%. (Data source: Institutional Research) 

Graduation Rates
在2023年毕业的学生中,13%的人在4年内毕业. 75% graduated in 5 years. (Data source: Institutional Research) 

Acceptance into Graduate Programs
2023年毕业的8名学生中有6人申请研究生院,5人被录取. 所有攻读研究生课程的学生都参加了利记sbo的建筑硕士课程. (Data source: Institutional Research) 

Job Placement Rates
在2022/2023学年毕业的学生中,100%的学生在毕业后三个月内或在毕业后三个月内从事室内设计或相关专业. 攻读硕士学位的学生都保住了工作. (数据来源:机构研究和学生在LinkedIn上的自我报告信息)



建筑与设计学院设计系的所有学位课程都获得了美国艺术与设计协会(NASAD)的认证。. 这包括游戏艺术的美术学士学位, Graphic Design, and Interaction Design; the Bachelor of Science degrees in Product Design and Transportation Design; and the Bachelor of Interior Architecture; and both graduate programs, 室内设计硕士和环境平面设计硕士.

NASAD Website: http://nasad.arts-accredit.org/

2016 NASAD Visitors Report

2016 NASAD Self Study

NC-Sara Professional Licensure

As a part of the NC-Sara Reciprocity agreement, 利记sbo被要求公开披露, 需要执照或证书才能在该领域执业的职业的教育要求. 此披露不受程序交付方式的影响:在线, on ground or hybrid. 课程和证书的完整列表及其满足的要求可以在下面的表格和每个学院的网站上找到.

鼓励当前和未来的学生与他们希望在毕业后实习的州或地区的许可委员会联系,以获取更多信息和可能的额外要求. 国家委员会的链接可以通过表格中提供的链接访问到各个专业协会. 下表是一项真诚的努力,提供了利记sbo项目的最新信息,以及它们在各州要求方面的状态. 此表不应被视为特定州的许可证保证,因为每个州和地区的要求可能会有所变化.

*“专业执照”或“执照”系指:国家或其他政府实体制定执业标准,并通过向符合这些标准的个人提供执照或证书,给予执业法律许可的过程. “NC-Sara Policy Manual, June 27, 2022. Volume 22.1



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